Monday, September 2, 2013

Table Report 9/2

Hello, and welcome to the second week of this blog's existence.  It's time for another table report, but first some quick announcements.  First off, school starts tomorrow for me!  This means that you can definitely expect fewer posts, but rest assured I will do my best to get some stuff posted.  So far my Dystopian Wars posts have been a huge success, so I definitely will get something up for all of you.  I will also be talking about some of the models from Open Fire! this week, and will probably do some WIP shots of my terrain.  I will also eventually do a speculation post of the new East India Merchant Company for Dystopian Wars, which will be accompanied by my thoughts on Armoured Clash the DW Framework.  But without further ado, lets see whats on the table this week!

So this week I have four projects going, including FOW, DW, and DL.  First up, Dystopian Wars:
Project 1: Revive the French- In preparation of my new list that I am working on, I decided to get out my old French and see what I might actually be able to repaint, repair, and get on the table.  Above are the results, and as you can see it is actually quite promising.  Definitely high on my list of things I want to get done.
Project 2: Finnish Open Fire!- Only the Pak 40 guns and one Sherman are left, so you can bet your bottom dollar I want to get this done.  I probably won't get around to painting these any time soon, but my first battle is probably just around the corner!  I'll try to get you guys a battle rep, but no promises.
Project 3: Trees- My ongoing terrain project.  Only the trees and rocks have been added so far, I plan to flock these and start adding details this week.
Project 4: Grenadiers- No pic for these guys, they are really on the back burner.  Just a little project for me to do if I get everything else done (not very likely).

Conclusion:  There you have it, folks, my plan for this week.  Stay tuned, cause quite a bit is on the way!!