Monday, August 26, 2013

Table Report 1: 8/26

Hello and welcome to my brand new blog.  I am a relatively young member of the wargaming community, but still have a good deal of stuff.  This blog should chronicle my adventures fairly well (I hope!), but first allow me to say a few things.  Because I am young I do not have a ton of time, especially with school starting really soon.  I play very few games, so look for more reviews, tutorials, and other things similar to that.  I will try to post between two or three times a week, but am very busy.  Also, I have very little money.  I may eventually put some ads on this blog to finance my projects, but for now please bear with me.  So with that little introduction out of the way, lets move on to this post....

One thing I will try to do every week is a table rep, where I basically talk about what is on my hobby table right now, and what I will be working on/ posting about.  This week, I have three distinct projects going on(Note: I am not a photographer, please bear with my bad pics).

Overall shot of the table currently
 So that's the table, built about two years ago.  Originally used for a train layout, I repurposed it a year ago when we gave away the layout to a local hobby club. No Dystopian Wars or A World Aflame projects this week.
Project 1: Open Fire! Forests
 Project #1: Terrain! I love making terrain, it is such a rewarding experience.  Currently I am working on making the 2-D forests from Open Fire! 3-D.  I have glued the trees in place, they are pinned so I can remove them to fit tanks on them.  I am ready to complete them, just waiting on some more flock to come in.
Project 2: Assembling Open Fire!
 Project #2: Next up are the models from Open Fire!  Although I am waiting on greenstuff to come in so can fill in the gaps on my Shermans, I have been making good progress on my Germans.  Should be ready to start priming by next week!
Project 3: DL Grenadiers
Project #3: Some DL here too, in the form of a half finished Grenadier platoon.  I have been working on these for a while, really want to get them done! Shown are the three I have completed, four more are in progress

What to look for: In the coming week I will probably do a review of Operation Sirocco for the DW fans out there, and possibly a review of A World Aflame.  Maybe some more shots of the forests and models as well.  Also, there are Wacky Wednesdays coming up, more on that Wednesday! I hope you have enjoyed my first post, and please follow my blog!


  1. Not a bad starting setup there, looks a lot like my area. Well minus the stuffed animals :D. If you like terrain you should check out they're one of (if not the) best terrain building sites around.

  2. I've been meaning to get rid of the stuffed animals but have yet to actually clean them up, I really should get that done. I really like, but he has not posted much recently.
